FurnCSR project is looking for 50 EU experts to validate the guidelines identified to develop CSR practices in furniture companies.

The fields of required expertise are the following ones: furniture industry (CEO / Top managers / Departments’ managers), CSR, VET, OHS, Circular Economy, Digitalization, HR management, NGOs activists, trade unions and regulatory entities.

The process aims to ensure that the guide content and the good practices identified are appropriate for helping furniture sector SMEs in the implementation of their CSR deployment.

 The validation process will consist of: 

  • Scoring of a selected list of concrete good practices.
  • Identifying of at least three CSR good practices in the expert field of expertise, deployed (or applicable) to furniture sector companies. 
  • Answering to a short survey on training needs related to CSR practices.

The experts belonging to the specified fields of expertise can apply within May 27th through the online form. The selection process will be closed within June 1st and all the necessary documents will be sent to the selected experts.