FURNCSR – Selection of external experts

During the second FurnCSR project Meeting, held online on the 2nd of December 2021, the list of the six selected external experts has been defined and their profiles shared among the Project Partners.
The experts that will accompany the whole project are:
Vector 5 – a Spanish company – located in Catalonia Region – that operates in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and supports Regional and National companies in their sustainable development strategies. It has been selected for the CSR field.
Worldwide Vision Business Solutions – a Spanish consulting company specialized for the woodworking and furniture sector, that support sectoral companies in their strategic planning about general management, financial strategies, development of human or organizational resources, information technology, industrial and marketing, among others. It has been selected as expert in the “Internal vision of the Company”.
Mr. Roberto Cuneo – CEO of the Italian innovative start-up Medelhan, a platform that operates at international level and aims to connect the top architects, designers, manufacturers and investors throughout exclusive matching projects. He has been selected as expert in the “External vision of the Company”.
Mr. Jeroen Doom – Managing Director at Woodwize, the sectoral centre for skills and jobs in the wood and furniture industry in Belgium with a specific focus on competences management, training and development and labour market/education for woodworking and furniture industry. He has been selected as expert in the field of “Furniture Vocational and Education & Training”.
Mr. Juan Carlos Alonso – Eco-Innovation Project Manager at SIMPPLE, focused on supporting companies to implement ecodesign, LCA and circular economy strategies and coordinator of several Horizon and LIFE EU projects. He has been selected as expert in the field of “Circular Economy and Sustainability”.
Ms. Nathalie Bekx – a Belgian professional, expert in CSR in relation to HR and CEO of the Belgian companies Trendhuis, Time4Society and Go2learn. She has been selected as expert in the field of “Human Resources”.
This panel of experts – coming from different countries, fields of expertise and professional experiences, will ensure the highest quality of the main project milestones and its coherence and connection with the market and industry needs.